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Star Wars The Old Republic: Introducing ‘The Smuggler’

By Tristan Ewins
The Smuggler has been revealed as the latest class in the upcoming MMORPG, Star Wars the Old Republic.
As the galaxy descends into war,entire star systems are brought to heel by the Sith and their allies. Smugglers – under the leadership of one ‘Hylo Visz’ have played a key role in response. Moblising a motley armada of starships, smugglers restored Coruscant’s supply lines – breaking a Mandalorian blockade.
While these Smugglers were hailed as heroes, though, they took little pleasure from the attention and accolades. Hylo is supposed dead as a consequence of a dispute to the Hutts: but as the war continues, so too do opportunities for profit.
Basically, the smuggler is in some ways a ‘self-serving’ kind on character: always in search of credits, but determinedly guarding their freedom. Whether to preserve their freedom; or because of moral qualms, however, there are some smugglers who [refuse] “to work with slavers and…the Sith Empire”. According to Bioware, Smugglers have also turned down work “when the clients have demanded too much control.” To summarise, circumstances have driven smugglers to work for the Republic
Smugglers are known for their ‘notorious’ charisma, and they are often able to ‘talk themselves out of’ tricky situations “Whether sweet-talking an attractive alien or bargaining with a hardened criminal contact”: charisma is one of the smugglers’ most valuable assets.
The new class also features a variety of useful combat manoeuvres: from head shots and fast draw to a dynamic system of utilising cover. It also looks as if Smugglers will enjoy use of rapid fire: in addition to a spectacular dodge ability. Lacking heavy armour, the agility of the Smuggler will likely be one of his/her greatest assets.
While some may have questioned the capacitiy of Smugglers to ‘hold their own’ in a battle, therefore, the news coming from Bioware suggests that they will be far from helpless.
There are other issues pertaining to the Smuggler class, however, that have not yet been addressed by Bioware.
To begin with: what about stealth? Will Smugglers receive a bonus to stealth, and will they enjoy other critical hits beyond the ‘head shot’. (maybe a ‘called shot’?
Also: if the Smuggler is a ‘jack of all trades’: what other sorts of skills do they they enojoy a bonus in? What of ‘opening [electronic] doors’; computers (including hacking); repair; spotting hidden; and laying and disarming traps?
Further: what about a ‘gambling’ ability – with a special bonus for the Smuggler class? Such options can add greatly to game depth and enjoyability. While it would have to be controlled in order to prevent abuse, such skills would certainly be ‘in character’ for Smugglers.
And finally: as some fans have asked on Bioware’s community message boards: what about actual smuggling? If ‘actual smuggling’ is included: how would it be implemented? Could there be a ‘space travel’ mini-game? Or perhaps there would be an automatic check to skill – with players being informed in advance whether or not they would succeed? Perhaps it could be possible to hire pilots to run any blockade – in the event that they player is not yet of sufficient skill?
The Smuggler class may demand more ‘nuanced’ gameplay: involving careful use of stealth, and ‘hit and run’ tactics. If they turn out to be a true ‘jack-of-all-trades’, also, then they could be valuable for any party.
Hopefully there’s still much to be revealed about the Smuggler class. And perhaps we’ll have the opportunity to view more streaming video on the class’s content and features over the coming weeks. (as was the case with the Trooper class)
Smugglers don’t have the raw firepower and impregnable armour of the Trooper, or the state-of-the-art black market equipment of the Bounty Hunter. But for those with a ‘Han Solo fantasy’ there should be much to command the player’s attention.
Tristan Ewins
I play this game many time. I like to use different weapons in this game. Players get new challenge in its every stage.
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